The Manine Montessori Transferring Set
Maybe you have already spotted it on our website or seen it on our Instagram? We have created a Manine Montessori transferring set with everything you need to create lots of engaging fine motor activities for your child and we are very excited about it. If you are not yet familiar with transferring activities, I have gathered the best basics for you here!
Transferring is nothing more than moving something from one vessel to another and it’s a staple in Montessori practical life work. Sounds boring? Not to your toddler, trust me.
Toddlers have a natural urge to learn new skills and try new tools. Provide them with the opportunity to do so by offering transferring work and you will see it will keep their attention for a long time.
Our set contains the basics to set up an unlimited amount of different activities, ranging from simple transferring by hand to intricate work cycles with numerous steps, like pouring liquid through a funnel into different containers to the same level. You can add to it with kitchen tools you already have around the house, beautiful bowls and small vases and switch up the items to transfer to suit the season or the interests of your child.
With each new tray you put out, you can increase your child’s fine motor skills, eye hand coordination and focus and at the same time you are offering them the practise they need to master things like cooking and serving food independently or feeding a pet.
Transferring is nothing more than moving something from one vessel to another and it’s a staple in Montessori practical life work. Sounds boring? Not to your toddler, trust me.
Toddlers have a natural urge to learn new skills and try new tools. Provide them with the opportunity to do so by offering transferring work and you will see it will keep their attention for a long time.
Our set contains the basics to set up an unlimited amount of different activities, ranging from simple transferring by hand to intricate work cycles with numerous steps, like pouring liquid through a funnel into different containers to the same level. You can add to it with kitchen tools you already have around the house, beautiful bowls and small vases and switch up the items to transfer to suit the season or the interests of your child.
With each new tray you put out, you can increase your child’s fine motor skills, eye hand coordination and focus and at the same time you are offering them the practise they need to master things like cooking and serving food independently or feeding a pet.
When it comes to Montessori activities, it’s nice to have a video in which a Montessori expert explains you exactly what to do. For transferring, I think the videos by My Works Montessori are a great resource.
These videos give you really detailed info on what you need for an activity, how to set it up and how to present it, with some great tips. I selected two for you, with the fundamentals on pouring dry goods and liquids.
Montessori Practical Life Lesson - Dry Pouring I
Montessori Practical Life Lesson - Water Pouring I
Another favorite of mine is Jeanne Marie Paynel of Voilà Montessori.I personally love watching her hands and listening to her calm voice, I can imagine she would be a great teacher. Here are some of her transferring videos:
Squeezing a sponge
Pouring using a funnel
Kylie from the blog How We Montessori recently did a blog posts on all sorts of transferring tools you can use, you can find the list here.
Need more inspiration? Pinterest offers loads of creative ideas or have a look at these:
These videos give you really detailed info on what you need for an activity, how to set it up and how to present it, with some great tips. I selected two for you, with the fundamentals on pouring dry goods and liquids.
Montessori Practical Life Lesson - Dry Pouring I
Montessori Practical Life Lesson - Water Pouring I
Another favorite of mine is Jeanne Marie Paynel of Voilà Montessori.I personally love watching her hands and listening to her calm voice, I can imagine she would be a great teacher. Here are some of her transferring videos:
Squeezing a sponge
Pouring using a funnel
Kylie from the blog How We Montessori recently did a blog posts on all sorts of transferring tools you can use, you can find the list here.
Need more inspiration? Pinterest offers loads of creative ideas or have a look at these:
- The Spooning Exercise by Sugar, Spice and Glitter
- Transfer of Dry Goods Montessori Practical Life Lesson at Carrots are Orange
- How to prepare Montessori-inspired transferring activities for February at Living Montessori Now (these can be adapted for different times of the year)
- Transferring Activities 18 months - 3 years at How We Montessori
Have fun with transferring! Don't hold back, share your pictures and let us know all about your transferring experiences
Transferring set with tray
This set offers all the tools, plus a handy Montessori tray to present your activities.
Transferring set without tray
Everything you need to create dozens of transferring activities