Here are some easy tips that will foster a love for reading that will stay with your children for a lifetime:
Use a Montessori-style Front Facing Bookshelf, so the covers of the books face forward:
- the books are at their level, so it’s easy to grab one or put it away again
- it’s easier for your child to find the book they were looking for
- the illustrations on the cover will entice them to read
- Display only a small selection of appropriate books: suitable for their reading level and following their interests. Don’t overwhelm them with too many choices.
- Rotate the books regularly, so there is always something new and exciting to read (e.g. after a visit to your local library)
- Read to your children every day with as much intonation, enthusiasm and drama as you can muster. Have fun with it! They will look forward to this quality time with you, learn new words and expressions,... and they will be motivated to learn how to read themselves. Even if it’s a picture book for a baby, I’m sure you can find lots of fun things to tell them about the illustrations.
- Don’t quiz them on the content! You’re reading for pleasure.
- Create a cozy space for reading: good lighting, a comfortable chair or a pile of mattresses and pillows and of course easy access to books!
- Set the example! Do your children see you reading for your pleasure? Or to learn?